About Us

The Labour Inspection and Enforcement Unit is one of the three units together with the Occupational Safety & Health Unit and the Registry of Associations that operate under the Commission for Labour and Industrial Relations where the RRA has full area of responsibility. The unit comprises of one Officer in Charge with a supporting staff of 5 Labour and Industrial Relations Officer.

Our objectives are to ensure that all employees work in a safe and healthy working environment and guided by good industrial relations practices.

Roles and Functions
  • Enforcement of all labour legislations through regular inspections at workplaces and ensure maximum compliance with statutory regulations such as payment of remuneration, decent working conditions and maintain harmonious industrial relations practices at the workplace
  • Register any type of labour complaints from workers and carry out confrontation meetings with employers in view of an amicable settlement of the grievances
  • Process applications from laid-off workers for admission in the Workfare Programme in order to enjoy the financial assistance commonly known as the Transition Unemployment Benefit (TUB)
  • Enter civil proceedings in Court on behalf of workers for claim of reliefs against their respective employers and also criminal proceedings against defaulting and recurrent non-compliant employers
  • Assist workers before disciplinary committees to ensure that they are given fair hearings
  • Provide advice and information on labour laws and industrial relations system to stakeholders viz: workers, trade unions and employers and carry out conciliation and mediation meetings to improve their labour relationship and settlement of industrial disputes
  • Organise educational programme and conduct sensitization campaign to stakeholders and the public at large


Labour Inspection and Enforcement Unit

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